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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is the price of 1 kWh?
The Decree on Electricity Feed-In Tariffs was adopted by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia on 13.12.2011, and which entered into force on 22.12.2011 ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no. 176/11). Photovoltaic power plants can obtain the status of preferential generator provided their installed capacity is lower of equal to 1 MW. The feed-in tariffs for electricity generated and delivered by photovoltaic power plants, depending on the plant’s installed capacity, are set as following: Installed capacity of the power plant ≤0.050 MW Feed in tariff (€¢KWh) 30. Installed capacity of the power plant ≥0.050 MW Feed in tariff (€¢KWh) 26. The preferential producer has right to use the feed-in tariff for a period of 15 years.

If the capacity is full, do you known when the new quotas will be release and for what price?
The Government should decide if there is a need to change the Decision for total installed capacity of preferential generators for photovoltaic power plants and the Decree on Electricity Feed-In Tariffs, or not.

Who buys produced elecetricity?
The electricity market operator is obliged to purchase the electricity generated by preferential producers. The preferential producer is obligated within 5 days from obtaining the status by the resolution issued by ERC, to submit a request to the electricity market operator for concluding the Power purchase agreement for electricity produced from preferential producers (PPA). Within a period not longer than 30 days from the day the request was submitted, the electricity market operator is obliged to sign the PPA. PPA is in effect from the day of entering into force of the resolution for the status of preferential producer issued by ERC. PPA is signed for the period of use of feed-in tariffs determined with the decision issued by ERC. Feed-in tariffs are set in euro cents per kilowatt hour of electricity delivered into the electricity system and shall not include the value added tax. The period for application of feed-in tariffs shall start on the day of entry into effect of the decision for application of feed-in tariffs by the preferential generator issued by the Energy Regulatory Commission. The preferential generator, on the basis of metering performed by the electricity system operator to which the power plant is connected, shall invoice the electricity delivered in the calendar month to the electricity market operator and shall indicate the payment amount in MKD according to the average exchange rate determined by the Central Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia on the last working day of the calendar month for which the invoice is prepared.

Does projects and any other documentation, must be written in the Macedonian language?
Yes, and they must be original or a copy signed by notary.

Where can apply for issuing licenses?
According to the Rulebook on licenses for performing energy activities, issued by the Energy Regulatory Commission, when the producer (legal entity) obtains the permit for construction of the plant, it may apply to the Energy Regulatory Commission for issuing of license for performing energy activity generation of electricity. Energy Regulatory Commission shall issue the license for performing energy activity generation of electricity, but the license shall not enter into force until the power plant is build and put into operation. After the construction is finished and the producer obtains permit for usage of the plant, within 7 days Energy Regulatory Commission shall issue a decision that the license shall enter into force. Also, the producer (legal entity) may apply to the Energy Regulatory Commission for issuing of license for performing energy activity generation of electricity, after the construction is finished and the producer obtains and permit for usage of the plant. ERC shall issue the license for performing energy activity generation of electricity, which is immediately in force. According to the Rulebook on preferential producers of electricity from renewable energy sources, the interested party shall submit to the Energy Regulatory Commission an application on obtaining the temporary resolution for the status of preferential producer. If the conditions are fulfilled the Energy Regulatory Commission shall issue a temporary resolution on obtaining the status of preferential producer and shall register the holder and the power plant in the Registry of Preferential producers. The temporary resolution shall be published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia”. The producer (holder of a temporary resolution) that built the plant within the deadline and has license for performing energy activity, shall submit to the Energy Regulatory Commission application on obtaining the status of preferential generator and application for use of feed-in tariffs. If the applications are complete and the confirmation issued by the Energy Agency is positive, the Energy Regulatory Commission shall issue the resolution on obtaining the status of preferential producer and decision for use of feed-in tariff. The resolution and the decision shall be published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia”.

Do we need construction permit, for setting SE on (roofs, land),
Yes, according to the Law on Construction. The construction permit is issued by the Ministry for transport and communications or by the municipalities.

Do investor must be a legal entity in Macedonia and what the regulations are for the establishment of the company?
Yes, according to the Law on Trade Companies. The resolution for establishing the company is issued by the Central Registry of Republic of Macedonia.