The Law on Setting Prices for Water Services (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia”, no. 7 / 16) regulates the adjustment of prices on water services, i.e., establishment of tariffs on water services in the supply of raw water designated for water supply to population, water supply, collection and discharge of urban wastewaters, and purification / treatment of wastewaters.
In accordance with the Law on Water Service Prices, the procedure on establishing the water service tariffs is conducted by the Energy Regulatory Commission. Through this authorization and responsibility, the Commission contributes to the continuous development of the water services sector in the Republic of North Macedonia, i.e., through the provided measures for water service providers it provides effective and efficient management of raw water supply intended for water supply of the population, the water supply, collection and discharge or urban wastewaters and purification/treatment of wastewaters.
The regulation of prices for water services provides reform of the existing water service sector, which imposes to water service providers to perform essential changes regarding organization, management, financial and operative aspects in its operation. On the other hand, by establishing certain measures and providing directions regarding their operation, water service providers are provided with sustainable development and selffinancing for future investment projects through which the quality of water service is improved.
The regulation of prices on water services aims to provide the overall price on water services for an average household to be available considering the overall income per household in the area of water service provision, to secure sustainable exploitation of the water service infrastructure reaching complete refund of expenses, to improve the quality of water service in providing permanent services in accordance with best available practices, to provide gradual, and eventually complete application of the principal the polluter pays , the principle on resources expenses according to the Law on Waters, and to reinforce water service efficiency by providing the best, according to quality water services, in a costeffective manner.
The water is an essential natural source for human existence, required in each natural and industrial process. The Republic of North Macedonia is in disposition of satisfactory quantities of water sources, but unequally arrayed. There are 35 rivers, 53 natural and artificial lakes on the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia, and the territory is divided into eight water management areas.
In 2021, water services in the Republic of North Macedonia are provided by 77 Water Service providers, seven providing raw supply designated for water supply to population, 67 water supply, i.e., supply of drinking water, 57 providing collection and discharge of urban wastewaters and 19 providing purification / treatment of wastewaters.
Along with the water service, a part of the public utility enterprises offers services on collection and disposal of waste, green markets services, parks and greenery services, cemeteries maintenance services, and other public services.