The operation of the Energy Regulatory Commission is financed from its own funding sources provided by collecting the fee from the total income of trade companies carrying out activities in the field of energy and by charging for the issued licenses. By October 31st of the current year, the Energy Regulatory Commission is obliged to submit to the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia a proposed financial plan of the Energy Regulatory Commission for the next year for adoption, which lists all the incomes and expenditures of the Energy Regulatory Commission, including the salaries of the members in the Energy Regulatory Commission and the employed staff, as well as the fees for the members in the Appeals Commission and their deputies.
Within this proposal of the financial plan, and based on the planned incomes for the current year by the trade companies carrying out activities in the field of energy, the Energy Regulatory Commission defines the fee for the next year by setting an equal percentage of share from the total income made by companies, which is then approved by the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia, and which may not exceed 0.1% of the total income by the companies.
This fee, according to the percentage set and the income received by the companies in the previous year, is paid by the company carrying out activities in the field of energy to the account of the Energy Regulatory Commission in two equal parts, the first part being paid by May 30 the latest, and the second part by September 30 the latest in the current year. The funds remaining unused from the previous year are transferred to be used in the next year, in the proportion to which the fees are reduced.