Key Customers Rights
The supply contract must not contain dishonest conditions, that is, provisions that cause a significant imbalance in the rights and obligations between the contracting parties, which may be detrimental to the consumers.
In particular, the provisions that lead to:
- temporary interruption in the supply or termination of the supply contract, if the customer violated the provisions of another contract concluded with the supplier or with a supplier-related company,
- avoiding or limiting the performance of contractual services, to the detriment of the consumer,
- disabling the use of agreed bonuses and discounts by conditionalizing the consumer to extend the contract after the expiration of the deadline for which it is concluded, and
- collection of services that the supplier offers, which are not agreed or requested by the consumer.
Furthermore, the consumer has the right:
- to withdraw from the contract based on information from the supplier to change the contractual terms,
- several possible ways of delivering the invoices at no additional cost,
- be informed of any change in the final price paid, due to a change in the prices of electricity or tariffs for regulated energy activities contained in the price,
- clear and precise information on the measured quantities of electricity in the invoice, in a way understandable and accessible to him,
- the choice of multiple payment methods, for which the consumer's costs for the implementation of the chosen payment method should also be shown,
- on non-discriminatory treatment by the supplier in the case living in a remote area,
- regular and accurate notifications of real consumption and electricity costs, which enable the management of their consumption,
- switching supplier in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner, at no cost and within a period not longer than three weeks from the date when he has submitted a request for change of supplier to the new supplier,
- upon every switch of the supplier to receive a final invoice from the incumbent supplier for the final closure of the account within six weeks of the switch occurrence,
- upon his requests, complaints, and objections to be effectively dealt with by the supplier and for the measures taken to receive a written explanation.
Prior to the conclusion of the contract, each supplier should provide the customer in a timely manner with a copy of the customer reminder, containing practical information on consumer rights presented in a clear and unambiguous manner that will not cause confusion with the consumer and will not mislead him when choosing to conclude or to terminate or extend the existing supply contract.