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ERC Composition and Structure
President and Members

Pursuant to Article 17 of the Law on Energy promulgated in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 96/18 and 96/19, the Energy Regulatory Commission is composed of 7 members. The members, and the President of the Energy Regulatory Commission, who is one of the members, are nominated and dismissed by the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia upon proposal by the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia. 

Each member of the Energy Regulatory Commission holds a five-year mandate, and no member of the commission may hold the office for more than two mandates.

The mandate of a member of the Energy Regulatory Commission may be extended for five years only.

In case of termination of the mandate of a member in the Energy Regulatory Commission before the expiration of the mandate, upon proposal by the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia nominates a new member for the remaining duration of the mandate. 

The person nominated to become a member of the Energy Regulatory Commission must be a citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia. The candidate for a member in the Energy Regulatory Commission must fulfill the following conditions:

  • to have completed at least higher education, and to be an expert in the field of energy;
  • to have at least ten years of experience in the field of nomination; and
  • to have received recommendations by at least three persons, qualified experts – Ph.D. holders with at least five years of experience and/or lead managers in energy companies, organizations, and institutions with at least four years of managerial experience..

One member in the composition of the Energy Regulatory Commission should be an expert in legal matters in the field of energy, and another an expert in economic issues.

In compliance with the legal provisions, a member of a political party may be nominated a member in the Energy Regulatory Commission, whereby their membership in the political party mandatorily ends on the day of their nomination. More than two members in the Energy Regulatory Commission may not belong to the same political party. 


Rights and Responsibilities of the President and the members in the Energy Regulatory Commission

According to the Law on Energy, a member in the Energy Regulatory Commission, and employed staff in the professional service of the Energy Regulatory Commission, their spouses or first-line relatives may not:

  • be share or stockholders in a company holding or applying for a license;
  • provide direct or indirect services for such a company; and
  • be a member of the management and administration bodies of such a company.

If circumstances as in cases above come to exist or are additionally established, persons who were found in such a conflict of interest shall be obliged to terminate their relations with the holders of or applicants for a license, by way of selling their shares or withdrawing from their positions and jobs. 

Also, in the time period of one year upon termination of their mandate, a member of the Energy Regulatory Commission may not acquire shares or stock or seek employment in a company that has obtained its license in the time period when that member held a mandate in the Energy Regulatory Commission.


Termination of a Member’s Term in the Energy Regulatory Commission

A member’s term in the Energy Regulatory Commission has to be implemented professionally. A member’s term in the Energy Regulatory Commission may end by way of dismissal from the position before the expiration of their mandate when the member personally requests this in case of disease which renders them unable to execute their tasks for a period longer than six months, or when a member acts contrary to the provision of the law.

The Energy Regulatory Commission shall establish whether the conditions have been met for a member to be dismissed from their term in the Energy Regulatory Commission by way of a majority vote, whereby it submits a request to the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia to propose to the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia the dismissal of a current member and nomination of a new one.


Current Composition of the Energy Regulatory Commission

Marko Bislimoski, MSc in Electrical Engineering, President and member in ERC; Nominated for a President of ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-3994/1 of 26 June 2018, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 118/18.

Lirim Sulejmani, MSc of Laws, a member in ERC; Vice-President and member in ERC, Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-2408/1 of 18.5.2021, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 110/21.

Aleksandar Chebotarev, MSc in Electrical Engineering and information technologies, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-3915/1 of 26.7.2023, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 160/23.

Faton Ambari, BSc in Economy, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-3915/1 of 26.7.2023, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 160/23.

Elena Markova-Velinova, MSc in Electrical Engineering, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-4271/1 of 03 September 2024, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 185/24.

Former Composition of the Energy Regulatory Commission

Slave Ivanovski, BSc in Law, President, and member in ERC; Nominated for a President of ERC by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia of 23 July 2003, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 50/03.

Dimitar Petrov, BSc in Electrical Engineering, President and member in ERC; Nominated for a President of ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 07-2694/1 of 15 June 2009, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 76/09 and Renominated for a President of ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North vvvvMacedonia No. 08-5079/1 of 02.11.2015, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 190/15.

Radomir Cvetkoviḱ, MSc in Technology, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia of 23 July 2003, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 50/03.

Murat Ramadani, BSc in Economy, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia of 23 July 2003, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 50/03.

Branko Brajkovski, BSc in Mechanical Engineering, a member in ERC; A five-year extension of the mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 07-3863/1, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 66/04.

Vlatko Gavrilov - In Memoriam, BSc in Electrical Engineering, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 07-3296/1 of 13.09.2005, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 77/2005.

Ruhi Bakiju - In Memoriam, BSC in Law, Vice-President, and member ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 07-5574/1 of December 2007, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 156/07.

Elena Markova-Velinova, BSc in Electrical & Technical Engineering, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 07-758/1 of 7 February 2011, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 15/2011.

Dejan Boskovski, BSc in Mechanical Engineering, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-4452/1 of 17.10.2016, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 190/16.

Vidan Kulevski, BSc in Electrical Engineering, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 07-4768/1 of 16 November 2009, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 138/09 and Renominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-5079/1 of 02.11.2015, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 190/15.

Svetlana Janevska, BSc in Economy, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 07- 1057/1 of 29.02.2008, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 32/08 and Renominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 07-1067/1 of 19.02.2014, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 37/14.

Pance Orcev, BSC in Engineering technologist, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-4848/1 of 25.12.2017, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 190/17.

Kushtrim Ramadani, MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Vice-President and member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No.07-5245/1 of 24 December 2012, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 166/2012.

Enver Elmazi, BSC in Law, a member in ERC; Vice-President and member in ERC, Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-4452/1 of 17.10.2016, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 190/16.

Natasha Veljanovska, MSc in Electrical Engineering, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-3994/1 of 26 June 2018, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 118/18.

Atanasko Tuneski, Doctor in Mechanical Engineering, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-3994/1 of 26 June 2018, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 118/18.

Andrijana Nelkova-Chuchuk, МSc in Economy, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-4703/1 of 27.8.2019, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 178/19. 

Merita Dema, MSc in Electrical Engineering and information technologies, a member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-3915/1 of 26.7.2023, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 160/23.

Andrej Tasev, MSc in Economy and BSc in Mechanical Engineering, member in ERC; Nominated for a member in ERC with a five-year mandate by way of Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 08-2225/1 of 5.5.2021, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 101/21.